Certified Customer Service Leader (CCSL)

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Lead a better customer service experience

The CCSL program is about equipping customer service managers with practical tools and techniques to inspire and motivate their teams to deliver great customer experiences.

After completion of this program, you will:
  • Understand why customer service is important
  • Understand how to apply the organisation’s CX strategy in the context of their role.
  • Understand that some staff might be resistant to truly taking ownership of creating great customer experiences
  • Understand the ‘Dos and Don’ts’ of good customer service behaviour
  • Understand how to inspire, motivate and coach other staff members towards delivering great customer service.

Program Topics

01. Welcome to CSIA Online

Welcome to CSIAOnline
About the Customer Service Institute of Australia (CSIA)
International Customer Service Standards (ICSS: 2020 - 2025)

02. Introduction

About this program
Learning Outcomes
Lesson Plan

03. Customer Centricity

Customer centricity
Customer focus
Customer service leadership
Customer experience
Customer services vs Customer experience
The effects of customer service
Know your customer
Positive customer experiences
Customer effort
Quiz: What you have learned

04. Building a customer-focused culture

Passion and process
Customer expectation
Customer-centric organisations
Customer-centric leaders
Customer-centric teams
Understanding change leadership
Quiz: What you have learned

05. Coaching for customer-focused behaviour 

Coaching customer-focused teams
Managing behavioural change
Reward and recognition
Quiz: What you have learned

06. Personal Action Plan

Personal Action Plan
Become a leader in customer service

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